Itivuttaka 34
This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, so I have heard: “Monks, a person without ardency, without compunction, is incapable of self-awakening, incapable of Unbinding, incapable of attaining the unsurpassed safety from bondage. A person ardent & compunctious is capable of self-awakening, capable of Unbinding, capable of attaining the unsurpassed safety from bondage.”
With no ardency, no compunction, lazy, with low persistence, full of sloth & drowsiness, shameless, without respect: he’s incapable, a monk like this, of touching superlative self-awakening. But whoever is mindful, masterful, absorbed in jhāna, ardent, concerned, & heedful, cutting the fetter of birth & aging, touches right here a self-awakening un- surpassed.
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