2020.05.21 Thursday

   “He by whom evil thought is destroyed,
   And every inward reflection is well considered,
   He, unconscious of corporeal form, passing beyond ‘attachment,’
   Overcoming the ‘four fetters’, is not reborn.” – Buddha

“There are these ten fetters. Which ten? Five lower fetters & five higher fetters. And which are the five lower fetters? Self-identity views, uncertainty, grasping at precepts & practices, sensual desire, & ill will. These are the five lower fetters. And which are the five higher fetters? Passion for form, passion for what is formless, conceit, restlessness, & ignorance. These are the five higher fetters. And these are the ten fetters.”

“Sanyojana Sutta: Fetters” (AN 10.13), translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Access to Insight (BCBS Edition), 4 July 2010, http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/an/an10/an10.013.than.html .

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