2020.08.24 Monday


   After these words, the venerable Subhûti spoke thus to Bhagavat: ‘O Bhagavat, how is this treatise of the Law called, and how can I learn it?’ After this, Bhagavat spoke thus to the venerable Subhûti: ‘This treatise of the Law, O Subhûti, is called the Praâ-pâramitâ (Transcendent wisdom), and you should learn it by that name. And why? Because, O Subhûti, what was preached by the Tathâgata as the Praâ-pâramitâ, that was preached by the Tathâgata as no-Pâramitâ. Therefore it is called the Praâ-pâramitâ.

 ‘Then, what do you think, O Subhûti, is there anything (dharma) that was preached by the Tathâgata?’ Subhûti said: ‘Not indeed, O Bhagvat, there is not anything that was preached by the Tathâgata.’

   Bhagavat said. ‘What do you think then, O Subhûti,–the dust of the earth which is found in this sphere of a million millions of worlds, is that much?’ Subhûti said: ‘Yes, O Bhagavat, yes, O Sugata, that dust of the earth would be much. And why? Because, O Bhagavat, what was preached by the Tathâgata as the dust of the earth, that was preached by the Tathâgata as no-dust. Therefore it is called the dust of the earth. And what was preached by the Tathâgata as the sphere of worlds, that was preached by the Tathâgata as no-sphere. Therefore it is called the sphere of worlds.’

[1. With what excites the highest wonder.

2. Sastâ, often the name of Budha, Pâli sattha.

3. This may refer to a succession of teachers handing down the tradition one to the other.]


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