Âsavas Abandoned By Endurance
29. ‘And which, brethren, are the Âsavas to be abandoned by endurance[1]?
‘Herein, brethren, a Bhikkhu, wisely reflecting, is patient under cold and heat, under hunger and thirst, under the contact of gad-flies and mosquitoes, of wind and sun, and snakes; he is enduring under abusive words, under bodily suffering, under pains however sharp, rough, severe, unpleasant, disagreeable, and destructive even to life.
30. ‘For whereas, brethren, to the man who endureth not, Âsavas may arise, full of vexation and distress; to him who endures, the Âsavas, full of vexation and distress, are not.
‘These, brethren, are called the Âsavas to be abandoned by endurance.
[1. Adhivâsanâ.]
Buddhist Suttas – Sabbasâva Sutta: All the Âsavas
Translated from Pâli by T. W. Rhys Davids [1881]
Sabbasâva Sutta: All the Âsavas