25. ‘Whatsoever brother, O Bhikkhus, has become quite free from the five kinds of mental barrenness, has altogether broken through the five kinds of spiritual bondage–that such a one should reach up to the full advantage of, should attain to full growth in, to full breadth in, this doctrine and discipline–that can well be!
26. ‘He practises the (first) road to saintship’, which is accompanied by the union of the will to acquire it with earnest contemplation, and with the struggle against sin. He practises the (second) road to saintship, which is accompanied by the union of exertion with earnest contemplation, and with the struggle against sin. He practises the (third) road to saintship, which is accompanied by the union of thought with earnest contemplation, and with the struggle against sin. He practises the (fourth) road to saintship, which is accompanied by the union of investigation with earnest contemplation
and the struggle against sin[1],–and strong determination too as a fifth.
[1. Iddhipâdam. Here Iddhi must be (spiritual) welfare.]
Ketokhila-Sutta: Barreness And Bondage
Translated from Pâli by T. W. Rhys Davids [1881]