An Arahant
Arahanta Sutta (SN 1:25)
“An arahant monk, one who is done, effluent-free, bearing his last body: Would he say, ‘I speak’? Would he say, ‘They speak to me’?”
“An arahant monk, one who is done, effluent-free, bearing his last body: He would say, ‘I speak’; would say, ‘They speak to me.’ Skillful, knowing harmonious gnosis with regard to the world, he uses expressions just as expressions.”
“An arahant monk, one who is done, effluent-free, bearing his last body: Is it from conceit that he’d say, ‘ I speak’?— that he’d say, ‘They speak to me’?”1
“An arahant monk, one who is done, effluent-free, bearing his last body: Is it from conceit that he’d say, ‘ I speak’?— that he’d say, ‘They speak to me’?”1 “For one whose conceit is abandoned, whose knot of conceit is dispersed, no knots exist at all. He, beyond any concept, wise, would say, ‘I speak’; would say, ‘They speak to me.’ Skillful, knowing harmonious gnosis with regard to the world, he uses expressions just as expressions.”
1. This question confuses the conceit, “I am” (asmimāna) with the simple concept, “I.” The former is a fetter, in that it involves one in a tangle of views as to what the “I” is, and what it means to be. (See MN 2.) The latter, as this verse shows, is simply a conventional expression, and if it can be separated from the conceit “I am,” it need not fetter the mind.
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