Living Beings
Pāṇa Sutta (SN 46:11)
[How development of the factors for awakening depends on the support of virtue.]
“Monks, just as the living beings that assume the four postures—at times walking, at times standing, at times sitting down, at times lying down—all assume the four postures in dependence on the earth, established on the earth; in the same way, it’s in dependence on virtue, established on virtue, that a monk develops the seven factors for awakening & pursues the seven factors for awakening.
“And how is it that a monk—in dependence on virtue, established on virtue—develops the seven factors for awakening & pursues the seven factors for awakening?
“There is the case where a monk develops mindfulness as a factor for awakening dependent on seclusion, dependent on dispassion, dependent on cessation, resulting in letting go. He develops analysis of qualities as a factor for awakening… persistence as a factor for awakening… rapture as a factor for awakening… calm as a factor for awakening… concentration as a factor for awakening… equanimity as a factor for awakening dependent on seclusion, dependent on dispassion, dependent on cessation, resulting in letting go.
“It’s in this way that a monk—in dependence on virtue, established on virtue—develops the seven factors for awakening & pursues the seven factors for awakening.”
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