1. Thus have I heard. On a certain occasion the Blessed One dwelt at Savatthi, in the Jetavana, the garden of Anâthapindika.
Now at that time a certain Bhikkhu, was sitting, not far from the Blessed One, in a cross-legged position, with body erect; and mindful and conscious, he bore without a murmur, acute, piercing and terrible pains, the result of deeds done in the past.
And the Blessed One beheld that Bhikkhu, sitting not far off, in a cross-legged position, with body erect, mindful and conscious, and bearing without a murmur, acute, piercing and terrible pains, the result of deeds done in the past.
And the Blessed One, in this connection, on that occasion, breathed forth this solemn utterance:–
“The Bhikkhu who is freed from Karma, Who has shaken off the dust (of sin) accumulated in the past, Who has suppressed the notion ‘this is mine’, For such a one, there is no cause to lament.” |