6. Thus have I heard. On a certain occassion the Blessed One dwelt at Savatthi, in the Jetavana, the garden of Anâthapindika.
Now at that time the venerable Annâtakondanna was sitting not far from the Blessed One, in a cross-legged position, with body erect contemplating the deliverance that comes through destruction of desire.
And the Blessed One beheld the venerable Annâtakondanna, sitting, not far off, in a cross-legged position, with body erect, contemplating the deliverance that comes from destruction of desire.
And the Blessed One, in this connection, on that occasion, breathed forth this solemn utterance:
“Where there is neither root, nor earth, nor leaf, How can there be the creeping plant?1 Who is worthy to reproach the strong man who has escaped from the bonds? Even the gods praise such a one and by Brahma, too, is he extolled.” |