8. Thus have I heard. On a certain occasion the Blessed One dwelt at Savatthi, in the Jetavana, the garden of Anâthapindika.
Now at that time the venerable Mahakaccana was sitting, not far from the Blessed One, in a cross-legged position, with body erect, thoroughly setting before him subjective reflection on the impurity of the body.
And the Blessed One beheld the venerable Mahakaccana, sitting near, in a cross-legged position with body erect, thoroughly setting before him subjective reflection on the impurity of the body.
And the Blessed One, in this connection, on that occasion, breathed forth this solemn utterance:
“He who at all times and continually meditates on the impurity of the body;
(It is not, to me it may not be, it will not be, to me it will not be):
He, passing on from state to state, in due course,
Will cross the poison-streams of desire.”