10. Thus have I heard. On a certain occasion the Blessed One dwelt in the Ghosita garden, at Kosambi.
Now at that time the palace set apart for the royal ladies in the garden of King Udena was burnt down and 500 women perished with Sâmâvati at their head.
And a large number of Bhikkhus robing themselves in the forenoon and taking their alms-bowls and tunics entered Kosambi for alms. And when they had gone their rounds and finished their meal, they went to where the Blessed One was and drawing near they saluted the Blessed One p. 110 and sat down apart, and while thus sitting they said to the Blessed One: “Just now, Sire, the palace set apart for the royal ladies in the garden of King Udena was burnt down and 500 women perished with Sâmâvati at their head. Whither have these female votaries departed, and what will be their future condition?”
“There are, O Bhikkhus, some lay disciples who have entered the stream, some who return (to this world) once again, some who never return. All these lay disciples who perished are not without reward.”
And the Blessed One, in this connection, on that occasion, breathed forth this solemn utterance:–
“This world of delusions appears good; The fool surrounded by darkness, bound by ‘Upadhi’,1 Regards it as eternal. To him who sees aright, it is all nothing.” |