2021.02.26 Friday

   227. This is an old saying, O Atula, this is not only of to-day: ‘They blame him who sits silent, they blame him who speaks much, they also blame him who says little; there is no one on earth who is not blamed.’

   228. There never was, there never will be, nor is there now, a man who is always blamed, or a man who is always praised.

   229., 230. But he whom those who discriminate praise continually day after day, as without blemish, wise, rich in knowledge and virtue, who would dare to blame him, like a coin made of gold from the Gambû river? Even the gods praise him, he is praised even by Brahman.

DHAMMAPADA, Chapter 17. Anger


2021.02.24 Wednesday

224. Speak the truth, do not yield to anger; give, if thou art asked for little; by these three steps thou wilt go near the gods.

   225. The sages who injure nobody, and who always control their body, they will go to the unchangeable place (Nirvâna), where, if they have gone, they will suffer no more.

   226. Those who are ever watchful, who study day and night, and who strive after Nirvâna, their passions will come to an end.

DHAMMAPADA, Chapter 17. Anger


2021.02.23 Tuesday



   221. Let a man leave anger, let him forsake pride, let him overcome all bondage! No sufferings befall the man who is not attached to name and form, and who calls nothing his own.

   222. He who holds back rising anger like a rolling chariot, him I call a real driver; other people are but holding the reins.

   223. Let a man overcome anger by love, let him overcome evil by good; let him overcome the greedy by liberality, the liar by truth!


2021.02.22 Monday

   219. Kinsmen, friends, and lovers salute a man who has been long away, and returns safe from afar.

   220. In like manner his good works receive him who has done good, and has gone from this world to the other;–as kinsmen receive a friend on his return.



2021.02.20 Saturday

 217. He who possesses virtue and intelligence, who is just, speaks the truth, and does what is his own business, him the world will hold dear.

   218. He in whom a desire for the Ineffable (Nirvâna) has sprung up, who is satisfied in his mind, and whose thoughts are not bewildered by love, he is called ûrdhvamsrotas (carried upwards by the stream).



2021.02.19 Friday

   214. From lust comes grief, from lust comes fear; he who is free from lust knows neither grief nor fear.

   215. From love comes grief, from love comes fear; he who is free from love knows neither grief nor fear.

   216. From greed comes grief, from greed comes fear; he who is free from greed knows neither grief nor fear.



2021.02.16 Tuesday



  209. He who gives himself to vanity, and does not give himself to meditation, forgetting the real aim (of life) and grasping at pleasure, will in time envy him who has exerted himself in meditation.

   210. Let no man ever look for what is pleasant, or what is unpleasant. Not to see what is pleasant is pain, and it is pain to see what is unpleasant.

   211. Let, therefore, no man love anything; loss of the beloved is evil. Those who love nothing and hate nothing, have no fetters.


2021.02.14 Sunday

   207. He who walks in the company of fools suffers a long way; company with fools, as with an enemy, is always painful; company with the wise is pleasure, like meeting with kinsfolk.

   208. Therefore, one ought to follow the wise, the intelligent, the learned, the much enduring, the dutiful, the elect; one ought to follow a good and wise man, as the moon follows the path of the stars.

