2020.06.21 Sunday

   8. Thus have I heard. On a certain occasion the Blessed One dwelt at Savatthi, in the Jetavana, the garden of Anâthapindika.

   Now at that time the venerable Mahakaccana was sitting, not far from the Blessed One, in a cross-legged position, with body erect, thoroughly setting before him subjective reflection on the impurity of the body.

   And the Blessed One beheld the venerable Mahakaccana, sitting near, in a cross-legged position with body erect, thoroughly setting before him subjective reflection on the impurity of the body.

   And the Blessed One, in this connection, on that occasion, breathed forth this solemn utterance:

   “He who at all times and continually meditates on the impurity of the body;
   (It is not, to me it may not be, it will not be, to me it will not be):
   He, passing on from state to state, in due course,
   Will cross the poison-streams of desire.”

2020.06.20 Saturday

   7. Thus have I heard. On a certain occasion the Blessed One dwelt at Savatthi, in the Jetavana, the garden of Anâthapindika.

   Now at that time the Blessed One was sitting, wrapt in meditation on his own abandonment of consciousness and reasoning in connection with the hindrances.’2

   And the Blessed One perceiving his own abandonment of consciousness and reasoning, in connection with the hindrances, at that time breathed forth this solemn utterance:

   “He to whom no hindrance remains,
   Who has overcome all bonds and obstacles
   Such a saint living free from desire,
   Nor gods nor men despise.”

2020.06.18 Thursday

   6. Thus have I heard. On a certain occassion the Blessed One dwelt at Savatthi, in the Jetavana, the garden of Anâthapindika.

   Now at that time the venerable Annâtakondanna was sitting not far from the Blessed One, in a cross-legged position, with body erect contemplating the deliverance that comes through destruction of desire.

   And the Blessed One beheld the venerable Annâtakondanna, sitting, not far off, in a cross-legged position, with body erect, contemplating the deliverance that comes from destruction of desire.

   And the Blessed One, in this connection, on that occasion, breathed forth this solemn utterance:

   “Where there is neither root, nor earth, nor leaf,
   How can there be the creeping plant?1
   Who is worthy to reproach the strong man who has escaped from the bonds?
   Even the gods praise such a one and by Brahma, too, is he extolled.”

2020.06.17 Wednesday

   3. Thus have I heard. On a certain occasion the Blessed One dwelt at Savatthi, in the Jetavana, the garden of Anâthapindika.

   Now at that time a number of men were living at Savatthi and all of them were in bondage to the passions, inflamed, glutted, seized and infatuated to excess with lust, falling into sin and impregnated with lust.

   And a number of Bhikkhus, robing themselves in the forenoon and taking their alms-bowls and tunics entered Savatthi for alms, and when they had returned from their rounds in Savatthi and finished their meal, they went to where the Blessed One was, and drawing near, they saluted the Blessed One and sat down apart and while p. 104 thus sitting they said to the Blessed One: “at this time, Sire, a number of men are passing their days in Savatthi, in bondage to the passions etc. [as above. Transl.].”

   And the Blessed One in this connection, on that occasion, breathed forth this solemn utterance:

   “These are beings inflamed with lust,
   Bound in the bonds of passion,
   Who perceive no evil in the ‘fetters’.
   Verily these who are bound by the fetters of human passion,
   Cross not the great and mighty flood
   (of evil which overwhelms humanity.)”

2020.06.14 Sunday

  “The light of the glowworm is seen, until the rising of the sun;
   In the splendour of the sun-rise, its light fades and shines no more.
   So is it with the light of the heretics.
   Until the Supreme Buddhas appear on earth:
   Not till then do the wise and the disciples receive enlightenment.
   Those who hold heretical views, escape not from sorrow.”


Comment: Sad, wailing, angry, afraid, jealous, deceitful, arrogant, lazy, …? Must not be an enlightened one. (I’m not. 🙂 )

2020.05.23 Saturday

   9. Thus have I heard. On a certain occasion the Blessed One dwelt at Savatthi, in the Jetavana, the garden of Anâthapindika.

   Now at that time the Blessed One, was sitting in the open air, the night was profoundly dark and oil-lamps were alight.

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   And a number of moths falling over and over into these oil-lamps, met with disaster, ruin and utter destruction. And the Blessed One beheld these moths falling over and over into the oil-lamps, meeting with disaster, ruin and utter destruction.

   And the Blessed One, in this connection, on that occasion, breathed forth this solemn utterance:

   “They run up to it and beyond,
   But never reach the essence.
   They magnify to themselves new and ever new bonds.
   As the moths fall into the flame,
   So, some are attracted [by the doctrine]
   That, in the seen and the heard [is the essence].”

2020.05.22 Friday

Both these ideals of life–that of despair of good, and that of the sensualist–enlarge the realm of death, and that [in its turn] tends to the increase of speculation. Some, not understanding [the real nature of] these ideals, stick to them, some get beyond them. Those who see through them, are not in them, do not think that way, their revolution is beyond perception [that is, they do not revolve in Samsara, they attain Nirvana in this life and are not subject to rebirths and redeaths.”] – Buddha


2020.05.21 Thursday

   “He by whom evil thought is destroyed,
   And every inward reflection is well considered,
   He, unconscious of corporeal form, passing beyond ‘attachment,’
   Overcoming the ‘four fetters’, is not reborn.” – Buddha

“There are these ten fetters. Which ten? Five lower fetters & five higher fetters. And which are the five lower fetters? Self-identity views, uncertainty, grasping at precepts & practices, sensual desire, & ill will. These are the five lower fetters. And which are the five higher fetters? Passion for form, passion for what is formless, conceit, restlessness, & ignorance. These are the five higher fetters. And these are the ten fetters.”

“Sanyojana Sutta: Fetters” (AN 10.13), translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Access to Insight (BCBS Edition), 4 July 2010, http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/an/an10/an10.013.than.html .