2020.12.26 Saturday

   114. And he who lives a hundred years, not seeing the immortal place, a life of one day is better if a man sees the immortal place.

   115. And he who lives a hundred years, not seeing the highest law, a life of one day is better if a man sees the highest law.

DHAMMAPADA, Chapter 8. The Thousands


2020.12.23 Wednesday

   110. But he who lives a hundred years, vicious and unrestrained, a life of one day is better if a man is virtuous and reflecting.

   111. And he who lives a hundred years, ignorant and unrestrained, a life of one day is better if a man is wise and reflecting.

DHAMMAPADA, Chapter 8. The Thousands


2020.12.20 Sunday

   106. If a man for a hundred years sacrifice month after month with a thousand, and if he but for one moment pay homage to a man whose soul is grounded (in true knowledge), better is that homage than sacrifice for a hundred years.

   107. If a man for a hundred years worship Agni (fire) in the forest, and if he but for one moment pay homage to a man whose soul is grounded (in true knowledge), better is that homage than sacrifice for a hundred years.

   108. Whatever a man sacrifice in this world as an offering or as an oblation for a whole year in order to gain merit, the whole of it is not worth a quarter (a farthing); reverence shown to the righteous is better.

DHAMMAPADA, Chapter 8. The Thousands


2020.12.19 Saturday

103. If one man conquer in battle a thousand times thousand men, and if another conquer himself, he is the greatest of conquerors.

   104., 105. One’s own self conquered is better than all other people; not even a god, a Gandharva, not Mâra with Brahman could change into defeat the victory of a man who has vanquished himself, and always lives under restraint.

DHAMMAPADA, Chapter 8. The Thousands


2020.12.18 Friday

   100. Even though a speech be a thousand (of words), but made up of senseless words, one word of sense is better, which if a man hears, he becomes quiet.

   101. Even though a Gâthâ (poem) be a thousand (of words), but made up of senseless words, one word of a Gâthâ is better, which if a man hears, he becomes quiet.

   102. Though a man recite a hundred Gâthâs made up of senseless words, one word of the law is better, which if a man hears, he becomes quiet.

DHAMMAPADA, Chapter 8. The Thousands


2020.12.17 Thursday

   98. In a hamlet or in a forest, in the deep water or on the dry land, wherever venerable persons (Arhanta) dwell, that place is delightful.

   99. Forests are delightful; where the world finds no delight, there the passionless will find delight, for they look not for pleasures.

DHAMMAPADA, Chapter 7. The Venerable (Arhat)


2020.12.15 Tuesday

   93. He whose appetites are stilled, who is not absorbed in enjoyment, who has perceived void and unconditioned freedom (Nirvâna), his path is difficult to understand, like that of birds in the air.

   94. The gods even envy him whose senses, like horses well broken in by the driver, have been subdued, who is free from pride, and free from appetites.

   95. Such a one who does his duty is tolerant like the earth, like Indra’s bolt; he is like a lake without mud; no new births are in store for him.

   96. His thought is quiet, quiet are his word and deed, when he has obtained freedom by true knowledge, when he has thus become a quiet man.

DHAMMAPADA, Chapter 7. The Venerable (Arhat)
