2020.08.21 Friday


   Bhagavat said: ‘What do you think, O Subhûti, if there were as many Gangâ rivers as there are grains of sand in the large river Gangâ, would the grains of sand be many?’ Subhûti said: ‘Those Gangâ rivers would indeed be many, much more the grains of sand in those Gangâ rivers.’ Bhagavat said: ‘I tell you, O Subhûti, I announce to you, If a woman or man were to fill with the seven treasures as many worlds as there would be grains of sand in those Gangâ rivers and present them as a gift to the holy and fully enlightened Tathâgatas–What do you think, O Subhûti, would that woman or man on the strength of this produce a large stock of merit?’ Subhûti said: ‘Yes, O Bhagavat, yes, O Sugata, that woman or man would on the strength of this produce a large stock of merit, immeasurable and innumerable.’ Bhagavat said: ‘And if, O Subhûti, a woman or man having filled so many worlds with the seven treasures should give them as a gift to the holy and enlightened Tathâgatas,and if another son or daughter of a good family, after taking from this treatise of the Law one Gâthâ of four lines only, should fully teach others and explain it, he, indeed, would on the strength of this produce a larger stock of merit, immeasurable and innumerable.’ 


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