2018.04.04 Wednesday

Go for the Win

104–l05 Better is it to conquer oneself than to conquer others. Neither a god, nor a Gandhabba (demigod) nor Māra nor Brahma can undo the victory of a person who is self-mastered and ever conducts himself with restraint.

110 A single day’s life of a person who is virtuous and meditative is better than a life of one hundred years of a person who is immoral and uncontrolled.

112 A single day’s life of a person who strives with firm endeavour is better than a life of one hundred years of a person who is lazy and indolent.

From “Selections from The Dhammapada Sayings of the Buddha” Translated by Piyadassi Thera, Buddhist Publication Society Kandy • Sri Lanka, First published 1974.  https://www.bps.lk/olib/bl/bla0s_Piyadassi_Selections-from-the-Dhammapada.html

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