2018.04.05 Wednesday

116 Make haste in doing good; restrain your mind from evil; for whosoever is slow in doing good delights in evil.

117 If a man commits evil, let him not do it again and again, let him not delight in it; painful is the accumulation of evil.

118 If a man does good, let him do it again and again, let him take delight in it; happy is the accumulation of good.

119 The evil-doer sees good until his evil deed bears fruit. But when the fruit does ripen then does he see its ill effects.

From “Selections from The Dhammapada Sayings of the Buddha” Translated by Piyadassi Thera, Buddhist Publication Society Kandy • Sri Lanka, First published 1974.  https://www.bps.lk/olib/bl/bla0s_Piyadassi_Selections-from-the-Dhammapada.html

Comment: I see missing verses in the selections. Yesterday I quoted up to 112. There are no 114 or 115 listed, so I began today with 116. We’ll come back to that. The reason I’m posting these selections is that tomorrow we’ll begin with an often seen verses about drops of water and pots. I like to understand the context of what I’m reading. You can read about drops of water and pots now of course, or wait. To your happiness – Mark

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